

Just Enough English Grammar Illustrated free download pdf book


Just Enough English Grammar Illustrated

1.       There are many books available that cover the basics of English grammar in an illustrated format. Here are a few examples of books that might be helpful:

2.       "Grammar Illustrated: A Visual Guide to English Grammar" by David and Jenny Dooley: This book uses illustrations and simple explanations to help learners understand the basic concepts of English grammar. It is suitable for beginners and is available as a printed book or as an e-book.

3.       "The Ultimate Guide to English Grammar: A Comprehensive Illustrated Guide to the Fundamentals of English Grammar" by Gary and Janis M. Rich: This book is a comprehensive guide to English grammar that uses illustrations and examples to help learners understand the rules of the language. It is suitable for beginners and is available as a printed book or as an e-book.

4.       "Grammar Illustrated: A Practical Guide to English Grammar" by David and Jenny Dooley: This book is a practical guide to English grammar that uses illustrations and examples to help learners understand the rules of the language. It is suitable for beginners and is available as a printed book or as an e-book.

5.       These books can be purchased from online bookstores such as Amazon or Barnes & Noble, or you may be able to find them at your local library or bookstore. Keep in mind that downloading copyrighted material without permission is illegal in most countries, so it is generally best to purchase a copy of the book rather than attempting to download it for free.


This is our Montevideo lesson on Roots Prefixes and Suffixes in English Vocabulary. In this episode, wear going to cover a very important suffix of Latin or Greek origin which is used to form adjectives and this suffix lends the meaning “related to or resembling” to the base word. In the first half of this video we shall cover certain words where the suffix ‘ine’ gets attached to various animal names and the resulting words can be used to describe animal like traits or features in humans.The 2nd half uncovers certain choicest words which are very important in Vocabulary and-often tested in the Verbal section of exams. 
So lets begin with our very first word which-is: Aquiline.Aquila means eagle so the word is based on eagle. Since the suffix ine means resembling,the word aquiline means resembling an eagle. And the most prominent feature of an eagle's its beak which is curved or hooked. So, the word aquiline can be used to describe person’s nose which looks like an eagle’s beak.Like you can see in this picture, The witch here has an aquiline nose. Next we have the word Asinine which refers-to the species Sinus meaning an ass or sometimes a donkey. It’s common knowledge that donkeys-are dim-witted and brainless unlike their counterparts horses… So, the word asinine-means extremely stupid or foolish. For instance, look at this mad scientist… he claims that-he would make an invisibility potion one day, so no wonder , people often call him asinine. Talking of horses, we have the word equine…the prefix Equuleus means a horse. 

So anything relating to or affecting horses can be describes equine.. It may be a disease such as equine anemia. And of course, anything resembling a horse like someone’s facial features could also be called equine. A related word is equestrian which is again-derived from Equuleus meaning horse. Just like a pedestrian walks on foot; an equestrian-uses a horse for commuting. So, the word equestrian means a rider or performer on a horseback.An example sentence for the word is: < She was well-known in her town for her amazing-equestrian skills > Then we have the word- Bovine. 

The Latin prefix originally meant an ox, but we can use the word for cattle in general including cows,buffaloes, and bison. Something affecting cattle or relating to-cattle can be called bovine like perhaps diseases affecting them such as bovine tuberculosis.But extending the usage : if we call some person or their manners- bovine which mean-scow-like it won’t really be a positive word. Being like a cow would mean being dull, sluggish,calm and phlegmatic. In-fact this word is stronger than phlegmatic. And to an extent it would-mean mindless, unintelligent and stupid too…. 

An example for usage would be: She stared-at us with a stupid, bovine expression… Next word is Canine. The word is based caisson meaning dog and can be used both as a noun and as an adjective. The word canine be used interchangeably with the word dog when referring to them. For instance,many people are hostile to stray canines, and often throw pebbles at them or threaten-them by other means. Canine here is a noun meaning dog.When used as an adjective, we will perhaps talk about their behaviorist patterns and things like canine loyalty which make them a preferred pet. Another choice for preferred pets is obviously-cats, the root word for which is felis.

 Drawing similarity with humans, anything resembling-or suggestive of a cat can be described as feline.Like perhaps, feline grace or feline agility (agility means being quick and graceful).As you can recall, the word catwalk is also based on the same idea. An example of usage-for the word feline is: During the ramp walk, she exhibited feline grace.Sometimes we can also talk about ‘feline temperament’ and a similar phrase in English-suggestive of that is cat-fights. Next is Porcine. As you can recall, the meat-from pig is called pork. So porcine means like a pig or relating to a pig. Like maybe-someone's facial features could be called porcine. But beware of the consequences, before you want to suggest to someone that he or she looks like a pig. Then we have Ursine.

 Ursa means bear and you-would have heard about the term in names of constellations such as ‘Ursa Major’ meaning‘the Great Bear’ or ‘Ursa Minor’ or ‘the little bear’.So ursine means resembling a bear. Likewise, Leonine means like a lion. Again,Leo is a sun-sign for people born in August. For describing anyone who is like a lion,we will use the word leonine. For instance, The actor who played the role was a handsome,leonine profile. Then we have the word Serpentine… Serpent-means a snake, so the word refers to the characteristics of a snake… If we talk about its curvy and-twisting body, the feature can be used to describe something like a road or a path like-the one seen in this picture…. But , serpentine could also be used to describe clever, cunning, and treacherous person: a meaning similar to that conveyed by the-idiom – ‘ a snake in the grass’. Next word is Lupine which means wolfish…or relating to a wolf. Like a lupine howl…. But more important is the word vulpine. 

Otis derived from the base vulpine meaning fox. And since ages, fox is known to be a crafty-and cunning animal; so when used to describe a person; these meanings become relevant.Like look at the picture of this person, he looks very cunning and scheming and his smile-looks very vulpine. Finally, the last of the animals I would liketo mention is a monkey. Now, for describing something related to a monkey or an ape, reuse the word Simian. Though it’s a deviation from our theme -the suffix ‘ine’ So just-like our other adjectives covered so far, we can use simian in the phrase ‘simian-diseases’ or talk about someone’s simian facial features.And monkeys or apes have long been known to be the ancestors of humans. So, we might even-use the term anthropoid for them, anthropoid means humans, so anthropoid would imply similarity-with humans.

 Now lets come to some other adjectives apart-from those derived from animals but containing the suffix ‘ine’Say for example: crystalline which means like a crystal or composed of crystals like a crystalline-rock. It also means clear like a crystal; like we can say that a crystalline prose will-be very easy to understand. Another easy word is saline which is derived-from the same word root as that of salt and salary. To put it simply, if something is-saline, it contains salt like a saline solution. More popularly, we have the word divine. Derived-from dens meaning god, which is the same root from which we derive the word deity. Divine-means like a God or God Himself. For instance, some mythological heroes were-believed to have divine powers. Another example, that day when they met with a car accident,nothing but divine luck (providence) saved them. 

Talking about lesser mortals, we have the Genders - Feminine and Masculine which stand respectively for female and male.Since Famine means woman, and you cant forget that because you have a very famous ladies Magazine by that name in India; the word feminine literally means like a female and is suggestive-of qualities or an appearance traditionally associated with women, especially delicacy-and prettiness. Like in this picture, you can see a feminine young woman.Well, sometimes we notice some strange mannerisms of certain men who exhibit womanly characteristics-like for example a high pitched womanly voice. But we will not call such men feminine…feminine has a mostly positive connotation. The correct word to describe such a man is‘effeminate’ and it’s a negative word to address a man with. It’s synonymous with-the words ‘unmanly’ and ‘effete’ . Masculine, on the other hand is a positive-word which means having qualities or appearance traditionally associated with men. i.e. being-manly or macho. Then we have the word Pristine. 

The word contains-the prefix ‘pre’ meaning before so pristine would literally mean ‘like the times gone-before’ and pristine indeed describes something that is characteristic of older times, something-or someplace that is in its original condition, is primitive or unspoiled; it has perhaps-been left untouched and untarnished; for instance: a pristine landscape.Only later in the 19th century, we get the additional meaning of pristine as spotless,and completely clean, fresh or neat as something which is new and unused should be. For example:a pristine white shirt. Yet another important word is Sanguine. Now-sanguine in Latin means blood, so sanguine, in one of its meanings, implies a blood-colored. But well, the more important meaning of sanguine-derives from the fact that in medieval physiology those who had a predominance of blood in their-body, were supposedly marked by a ruddy complexion (like rosy cheeks) and a cheerful and optimistic-disposition. And that’s how sanguine today means optimistic, cheerful and positive. An-example sentence would be: Let’s not be too sanguine about the outcome; something-can go wrong at the last minute. 

Now a word of caution here: one of the older-meanings of sanguine is bloody or blood-thirsty but sanguine is not used in this meaning in Contemporary English. And instead, we use the word sanguinary in this meaning. For instance:The infamous Kalinga war fought by Emperor Ashoka was so sanguinary that it transformation's conscience forever and he renounced violence and adopted Buddhism after that war. One of the common words based on the suffixes Genuine. This word has a very interesting origin. Around 16th century, it was a Roman-custom that a father acknowledged the paternity of a newborn child by placing it on his knee-or Genu which was the Latin word for knee… And we know now that genuine means truly what-something is said to be OR authentic. Like Genuine 22 Carat gold bricks or A genuine-product bought from a showroom. 

Then we have the word Clandestine. It derives-from the word clam which means secretly so clandestine means kept secret or done secretively,especially because it is illicit. Like a clandestine meeting or a clandestine transaction. And finally we have the word Philistine. Frankly-speaking, this word just happens to have the ending ‘ine’ but has got nothing to do-with the roots phil which bytheway means love or the suffix ine.And yet it is one of the most commonly used words in English today. The word is used in-context of a person who is hostile or indifferent to culture and the arts. Such a person is-generally narrow minded, uncultured and exclusively interested in material gain.

I would like to mention a very interesting quote to exemplify the word and it is: ‘The-philistine provides the best definition of art. Anything that makes him rage is first-class’.Look at this guy here, he doesn’t like the face in the painting and so, in order to make-it perfect by his standards he actually does this… You can say that this guy is a philistine. Now test your understanding of the words learn-tin this lesson by filling the blank below… it is recommended that you pause the video-when timer starts... And that brings us to the end of this video,hope you like it…

Linguistics\\Foreign: English
McGraw-Hill Osborne Media
ISBN 10:

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