

how to create layout in ilwis

 To create a layout in ILWIS (Integrated Land and Water Information System), you can follow these steps:

  1. Open ILWIS and select the "Layout" tab.
  2. Click the "New" button to create a new layout.
  3. In the "New Layout" window, enter a name for your layout and choose the desired page size and orientation. Then click "OK".
  4. The layout editor will open, allowing you to add and arrange map views, text labels, scale bars, and other elements as desired.
  5. To add a map view to the layout, click the "Add Map" button and select the desired map from the list. You can then resize and position the map view as desired.
  6. To add other elements to the layout, use the buttons in the toolbar or the "Insert" menu. For example, you can add a scale bar by clicking the "Add Scale Bar" button or selecting "Insert > Scale Bar" from the menu.
  7. When you are satisfied with the layout, click the "Save" button to save it.

Note that these steps are just a general overview of the process. ILWIS has many features and options for creating and customizing layouts, so you may want to refer to the ILWIS documentation or online tutorials for more detailed information.


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